A puzzle game were the player must strategically kill monster which leave debuff behind.
The game was created for the Pursuing Pixels James Jam Game Gam #2 with the theme being Penalized.
In the game, the player are tasked to kill all monster presented within the level. The catch is that each monster leave difference debuff behind, which hinder the player and may even stop them from progressing entirely.
With that in mind, the player must focus on their order of operation and planned their move according to the layout and monster presented in the level.
The level are design using 3 component: Introduction, development, twist and conclusion. The technique is picked up from Game Maker toolkit channel: 4 step level design video.
For demonstration, we will use level 5 - 7 from the game all of which focus on the ghost monster to demonstrate the pacing of the game. For context, after attacking the ghost the player are forced to walk only in the direction the ghost are pointing at.
Introduction: This is where a new mechanic is introduced. The level is short and to the point showing only the ghost and skeleton in the level. Even if the player were to fail the level they can quickly restart and try again.

Development: This is where the mechanic is further expanded on. In this level more ghost are presented increasing the difficulty of the level. The level will also show that the player can override their direction when attacking another ghost.

Twist/Conclusion: In the next two level we combine the slime monster introduced beforehand with the ghost. By now the player should be familiar with the ghost and slime, and these level are there test their understanding of the game mechanic.

Being a puzzle game with possibility of restarting level over and over again. It is best to made the player experience as smooth as possible. So certain mechanic/design choice has been made to help increase the flow and feel of the game.
Player Control
The player controller are implemented with coyote time and jump buffering to help with navigating the level. All of this provide forgiveness for the player's error.
Coyote time is the mechanic where the player can jump after they step out of platform for a limited amount of time.
Jump buffering is the registration of player jump even if they were not on the ground yet. Causing them to jump as soon as they hit the groud.
Monster Design
Monster are colored using only one main color to help with readability. In addition, an encyclopedia is also available to the player to read anytime incase they forgot what each monster do. Some monster such as ghost and slime also left visual effect on the player character to signify the depuff they currently have.
UI Design
From player feedback, the fact they have to click UI the UI every time is very annoying so a keyboard control system has been implemented to help ease the issue.

Coyote Time
Jump Buffering

Particle left behind for easier identification